MOHS Surgery

MOHS Surgery
Double Board Certified In Mohs Surgery
Skin cancer treatment and skin cancer surgery is a mainstay of Dr. Hacker’s practice.
Dr. Hacker is double board certified including the subspecialty of Mohs micrographic surgery as a Founding Member of the American Board of Medical Specialties and has performed Mohs Micrographic skin cancer surgery on tens of thousands of patients since 1995 ( for 30 years). As a double board-certified Mohs surgeon, Dr. Hacker treats skin cancer patients from all over the country and is frequently referred patients from surrounding physicians and plastic surgeons throughout the state of Florida.
What is MOHS Surgery
Mohs Micrographic Surgery is the most advanced and effective treatment procedure for treating basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers available today.
Mohs Micrographic Surgery is a highly specialized and precise treatment for skin cancer in which the cancer is removed in stages, one tissue layer at a time. It is an outpatient procedure. The removal technique is no different than other procedures; however, it is distinguished by a specific technique of tissue examination that is unique to Mohs surgery.
Once a tissue layer is removed, the edges are marked with specially colored dyes, and a map of the specimen is created. The tissue is then processed onto microscope slides by a Mohs histotechnician. These slides are carefully examined under the microscope by the Mohs surgeon so that any microscopic roots of cancer can be precisely identified and mapped. When cancer cells are seen, an additional tissue layer is removed only in areas where the cancer is still present, leaving the normal skin intact. This saves as much normal, healthy skin as possible. Once cancer has been removed, the Mohs surgeon will explain options for repair of the wound, including natural healing (granulation), stitching the wound together by a side to side closure, or using a skin flap or graft.
Dr. Steven Hacker
Dr. Steven Hacker, a Mohs micrographic surgeon, is a designated fellow of the American Society of MOHS Surgery. A Mohs surgeon must have extensive experience in Mohs surgery before obtaining their fellowship status with the American Society of Mohs Surgery. Dr. Hacker has treated just under 10,000 patients with Mohs surgery over the last 20 years and received his surgical expertise by training with some of the best Mohs surgeons in the world.
More information is available at American Society of MOHS Surgery.
Click HERE to read “What to expect the day of your surgery”.