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Dr Aedo

Meet Dr. Andrea P. Aedo

Board Certified in Foot Surgery, ABFAS

Dr. Aedo has been practicing podiatry in South Florida since September 2009. Originally from California, she moved to South Florida at an early age and grew up in Coral Springs. Dr. Aedo graduated from Florida Atlantic University Cum Laude in 2002 with a Bachelors Degree in Biological Sciences and received a Doctorate in Podiatric Medicine from Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine in Miami Shores, FL in 2006. Dr. Aedo completed a three year intensive surgical & trauma podiatric medicine residency at Jackson North Medical Center in North Miami Beach, and served as Chief Resident.

Dr. Aedo is a talented, driven individual whose passion for podiatric medicine and surgery is exhibited in personal attention to patient detail and pure pleasure in listening to patient needs in order to provide an excellent standard of care. Dr. Aedo’s aim is to successfully inform and equip each individual patient with the knowledge to understand their condition, treatment/maintenance plan, and identify methods of prevention involved in their ongoing care. She is a Spanish speaker as well and can accommodate that population should you need.

Dr. Aedo is well versed in all aspects of podiatric care to include: Foot and Ankle Reconstructive Surgery, Diabetic Foot Care, Wound Care, Traumatic Injury, Limb Salvage, Biomechanics, Sports Medicine and Pediatric & Geriatric Care, as well as Primary Podiatric needs. She is board certified in Foot Surgery and board qualified in Rearfoot Reconstructive & Ankle Surgery with the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery

Dr. Aedo prides herself on the belief that every patient should be treated like family.

Medical Training


Podiatric Surgery and Medicine Residency Program PM&S-36
Jackson Memorial Hospital, North Miami Beach, FL, 2006-2009
Director: Marie L. Williams, DPM
Chief Resident PGY-3, 2008-2009
Completion date: June 30, 2009



Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM)
Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine, Miami Shores, FL, 2006
Dean’s List- 4 years


Bachelors of Science in Biological Sciences (BS)
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, 2002
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship- 4 years
Graduated Cum Laude

Areas of Focus

  • Elective and Reconstructive surgery of the adult and pediatric foot, ankle, and leg
  • Trauma of the adult and pediatric foot, ankle, and leg
  • Diabetic limb salvage and wound care
  • Palliative and general podiatric care for all ages

Other Experience

  • Yucatan Crippled Children Project, Charles Southerland, DPM, Merida, MX, 2008
    Performed surgical intervention and planning on children with neurologic  and traumatic lower extremity defects
  • Jamaica Medical Mission Trip, Clifford O’Connor, DPM, St. Mary’s Parish, Jamaica, 2004
    Clinical, Internal Medicine, and Podiatric experience for the impoverished citizens of Jamaica

Professional Affilications

  • Fellow and Member, American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery


  • Aedo, A, Armstrong, A, Phelps, S. Synovial Sarcoma: A Case Report. Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. Vol 25 Number 2. April 2008

Hospital & Surgical Affiliations

  • Jackson North Medical Center (Sept 2009 – Present)
    160 Northwest 170th Street | North Miami Beach, Florida 33169
    (305) 651-1100
  • Memorial Same Day Surgery Center West Location (March 2016 – Present)
    501 N Flamingo Road | Pembroke Pines, FL 33028
    (954) 430-1700
  • Park Creek Surgery Center (November 2018 – Present)
    6806 FL-7 | Coconut Creek, FL 33073
    (954) 312-3500

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